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Living in Morocco: A Complete Expat Guide

 Living in Morocco: A Complete Expat Guide, Accommodation and Job opportunities.

Living in Morocco: A Complete Expat Guide, Accommodation and Job opportunities

Living in Morocco can be an exciting and fulfilling experience for expats. With its breathtaking landscapes, vibrant culture, and warm hospitality, Morocco has become a popular destination for people looking to immerse themselves in a new and unique way of life. Whether you're considering moving to Morocco for work, retirement, or simply a change of scenery, this complete expat guide will provide you with all the information you need to navigate your new adventure.

Introduction: Discover Morocco

Morocco is a dream destination for many people, and it's easy to see why. From the bustling markets of Marrakech to the serene beaches of Essaouira, this North African country offers a diverse range of experiences for expats to enjoy. In this guide, we'll cover everything from finding a place to live to getting a job to exploring the local culture. So, let's dive in and discover what living in Morocco is all about.

Finding a Place to Live

The first step in your expat journey is finding a place to call home. Morocco offers several options for accommodation, depending on your preferences and budget. Whether you prefer the convenience of renting an apartment in the city or the charm of living in a traditional riad, there's something for everyone.

  • Renting an apartment: This is the most common choice for expats in Morocco. Apartments are available in major cities, and prices vary depending on location, size, and amenities.
  • Buying a property: If you plan on staying in Morocco long-term, buying a property might be a good option. There are various types of properties available, including apartments, houses, and villas.
  • Living in a homestay: For those who want to immerse themselves in Moroccan culture, living in a homestay is a fantastic choice. You'll have the opportunity to live with a local family and learn about their way of life.

Getting a Job

If you're planning on working in Morocco, obtaining a work permit is essential. Work permits are available to expats who have a job offer from a Moroccan company. Luckily, there are numerous job opportunities in Morocco, particularly in the fields of teaching and tourism.

  • Teaching: English teachers are in high demand in Morocco. If you have a TEFL certification, finding a job should be relatively easy.
  • Tourism: The tourism industry is a major employer in Morocco, offering a wide range of job opportunities, including hotel work, tour guiding, and restaurant work.
  • Freelance work: If you have marketable skills, such as writing, editing, or design, freelancing could be a viable option in Morocco.

Opening a Bank Account

Once you've found a place to live and secured a job, the next step is to open a bank account in Morocco. Having a local bank account will make it easier to manage your finances and handle day-to-day transactions.

To open a bank account in Morocco, you'll typically need the following documents:

  • Your passport
  •  Your visa (if applicable)
  •  Proof of address
  •  A utility bill

Cultural Differences

Morocco is a culturally rich and diverse country with its own unique customs and traditions. As an expat, it's important to be aware of and respectful towards these cultural differences. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Dress code: Moroccans tend to dress conservatively, so it's important to dress modestly, especially when visiting religious sites.
  • Religion: Islam is the predominant religion in Morocco, and it's important to respect Islamic traditions and customs.
  • Language: Arabic and Tamzight are the official languages of Morocco, but French is widely spoken as well. Learning a few basic Arabic phrases will go a long way in helping you communicate with locals.

Exploring the Local Culture

One of the greatest joys of living in Morocco is the opportunity to immerse yourself in the rich local culture. From exploring the vibrant medinas to indulging in delicious Moroccan cuisine, there's something for everyone to enjoy. Here are a few suggestions for experiencing the local culture:

  • Visit the medinas: The medinas, or old walled cities, are a treasure trove of history and culture. Lose yourself in the maze-like streets and discover hidden gems along the way.
  • Try the food: Moroccan cuisine is renowned for its bold flavors and diverse dishes. Don't miss the chance to savor traditional Moroccan tagines, couscous, and pastries.
  • Learn the language: While not essential, learning Arabic will greatly enhance your experience in Morocco. It will allow you to connect with locals on a deeper level and gain a better understanding of the culture.
  • Attend festivals: Morocco is known for its vibrant festivals, celebrating everything from music and dance to religious events. Immerse yourself in the festivities and witness the country come alive with joy and color.

Adjusting to Life in Morocco

Moving to a new country can be a challenging experience, but with the right mindset and preparation, you can make the transition smoother. Here area few tips to help you adjust to life in Morocco:

  • Embrace the slower pace of life: Moroccan culture values taking time to enjoy life and connect with others. Embrace this slower pace and savor the moments, whether it's enjoying a cup of mint tea or engaging in a leisurely conversation with a neighbor.
  • Build connections: Building a network of friends and acquaintances in Morocco will make your experience more rewarding. Join local expat groups, attend community events, and be open to meeting new people.
  • Learn the local customs: Familiarize yourself with Moroccan customs and etiquette. Greetings, gestures, and social norms may differ from what you're accustomed to, so take the time to understand and respect them.
  • Stay open-minded: Living in a new culture means encountering different perspectives and ways of doing things. Stay open-minded and embrace the differences, as they can lead to personal growth and a broader understanding of the world.


Living in Morocco can be a rewarding experience. With its stunning scenery, rich culture, and friendly people, Morocco is a country that has something to offer everyone.

If you're thinking about moving to Morocco, be sure to do your research and plan ahead. With a little preparation, you can make your move to Morocco a smooth and successful one.



1. Is it safe to live in Morocco as an expat?

Morocco is generally considered a safe country for expats. Like any country, it's important to take common-sense precautions and be aware of your surroundings. Familiarize yourself with the local laws and customs, and exercise caution in unfamiliar areas.

2. How much does it cost to live in Morocco?

The cost of living in Morocco can vary depending on your location and lifestyle. Generally, Morocco is an affordable country to live in, with lower costs compared to many Western countries. Housing, transportation, and food expenses are typically reasonable, but it's important to budget accordingly based on your specific needs and preferences.

3. Can I find English-speaking communities in Morocco?

Yes, there are English-speaking communities in Morocco, particularly in larger cities and tourist destinations. You can connect with these communities through social media groups, expat forums, and language exchange events. Engaging with these communities can help you feel more at home and provide opportunities for cultural exchange.

Discover Morocco
By : Discover Morocco
Discover the Fascinating Culture and History of Morocco

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